Accounts - export

Explore detailed account insights with Recurly's Accounts Export feature.


Required plan

This feature or setting is available to all customers on any Recurly subscription plan.


The "Accounts Export" section in the Recurly user guide helps users grasp comprehensive insights about individual accounts. This data-rich section assists in efficiently managing and understanding account specifics with a myriad of filters and detailed export content.


Account status filter

  • Open: Active and operational accounts.
  • Non-subscribers: Active accounts that currently hold no active subscriptions.
  • Active Subscribers: Active accounts with one or more active subscriptions.
  • In Trial: Accounts with at least one subscription undergoing a trial period.
  • Past Due: Subscribers having at least one invoice past its due date.
  • Non-Renewing: Subscribers not renewing after the ongoing term concludes.
  • Future: Accounts holding a subscription set to activate in the future.
  • Closed: Accounts that are not active.

Date range filters

  • Created: Filter accounts based on their creation date within a selected range.
  • Modified: Filter accounts based on the modification date within the specified range.

Exports table

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To help you identify and organize information effectively, the export provides a structured table that contains the following columns:

IdExampleDescriptionData type (max size)
account_code123456789, [email protected]Unique identifier for your customers in Recurly, defaulting to the email address if unspecified. Unmodifiable and central to linking multiple exports.varchar(50)
account_email[email protected]The email given by the customer at signup, utilized for all customer communications.varchar(255)
account_usernamejjsmithOptional field for importing usernames associated with your product.varchar(255)
account_company_nameBluth Industries, Inc.Optional field for recording the company name provided.varchar(255)
account_first_nameJJThe first name of the customer.varchar(255)
account_last_nameSmithThe last name of the customer.varchar(255)
account_has_billing_infoTRUE, FALSEDenotes the existence of billing information on the account.boolean
account_created_at2012-06-27 03:47:28 PDTDate and time when the account was created, used in "created" date range filter.timestamp
account_address11234 Main StThe primary address line for the account.string
account_address2Suite #123The secondary address line for the account.string
account_citySan FranciscoThe city related to the account's address.string
account_stateCAThe state pertaining to the account's address.string
account_postal_code94105The postal code of the account's address.string
account_countryUSThe country associated with the account's address.string
account_phone4155559876The phone number associated with the account.string
account_vat_numberUS1234567890The account's verified VAT number (applicable in production sites).varchar(20)
account_tax_exemptTRUE, FALSEIndicates whether the account is exempt from tax collection.boolean
modified_at2014-01-01 10:00:00 PSTThe date and time the account was last modified, utilized in "modified" date range filter.timestamp
closed_at2014-01-01 10:00:00 PSTIndicates the most recent closure date for the account.timestamp
account_acquisition_cost360Captures the cost to acquire a customer, can be fed data from marketing or CRM systems.numeric
account_acquisition_currencyUSDRecords the currency used for noting down Customer Acquisition Cost.varchar(3)
account_acquisition_channelReferralDenotes the marketing channel that facilitated customer acquisition.numeric
account_acquisition_subchannelFacebookA field noting the detailed acquisition channel.varchar(50)
account_acquisition_campaign12345Tracks the specific marketing campaign ID from your tools.varchar(50)
account_acquisition_created_at2014-01-01 10:00:00 PSTMarks when the acquisition data was first added to the account.timestamp
account_acquisition_modified_at2014-01-01 10:00:00 PSTNotes the last update timestamp for acquisition data on the account.timestamp
location_validation_tax_typeeu, nzIdentifies the region for tax location validation run on the account, visible based on specific enabled regional settings.varchar(2)
account_geo_code123456789Identifies account geo code.numeric
parent_account_code123456789Identifies parent account code.varchar(50)
primary_payment_methodTRUE/FALSEIdentifies whether the billing info is either primary payment method or not.boolean
billing_info_id1234Unique identifier for billing info.string
dunning_campaign_code123456Identifies dunning campaign code.varchar(50)
dunning_campaign_id1234567Identifies dunning campaign id.string
preferred_localeen-USIdentifies account's preferred locale.varchar(50)
account_api_ide28zov4fw0v2Account API IDstring

Version Changelog

Version 7 - 2/5/2025

Addition of account_api_id

Version 6 - 06/14/23

Added account’s preferred locale column

Version 5 - 07/23/21

Added Dunning campaign columns

Version 4 - 12/10/20

  • The tax_location_valid column now relates to the specific billing info in each row.
  • Introduced primary_payment_method column displaying TRUE or FALSE based on the primary payment method status of the billing info.
  • New billing_info_id column showcasing the ID of the particular billing info.

Version 3 - 9/13/18

  • Added parent_account_code column for the Account Hierarchy feature, helping in identifying an account's parent if applicable, though it will only hold a value if the feature is active.

Version 2 - 9/6/18

  • Introduction of columns for custom fields, placed at the end of the export.