Sandbox features to discover

Discover our sandbox experience and leverage all of Recurly’s features.

Building your sandbox

Your Recurly trial lets you explore the capabilities of the platform, including building flexible plans and promotions that support multiple currencies, setting up your preferred payment gateways, creating customer subscriptions and accounts, viewing transactions and invoices, and measuring success through robust reporting.

If you haven’t done so already, you can sign up for a new sandbox site. We encourage you to play and explore to fully realize the power and customizability of Recurly. When you are ready to go live, you can convert this sandbox site to production.


Pro tip

To continue testing in a separate sandbox without affecting your live site, create a mirrored sandbox development account. As you test the final site, make sure to apply all changes to the sandbox as well to maintain parity.

Explore Recurly by learning about the features and capabilities described below.

Feature Description
Site Settings

Site Settings provide a central location to manage the core configuration of your Recurly site, including your account and billing information, timezone, key contact information, IP allowlist, and site customizations.

Business Entities

Business entities allow you to control how your business is represented on invoices, enhancing brand recognition, offering global flexibility, ensuring tax compliance, and enabling scalability, all while helping you manage business operations.


Most customers will use a single currency, but you can enable multiple currencies to reach a global audience. If you are doing business in the EU, be sure to review the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Billing Models

Recurly’s flexible billing models let you configure your product offerings to fit your business models and requirements.

Plans & Add-ons

Your subscription plans define what your customers can subscribe to and how much and how often to bill them.

Item Catalog

Sell standard or combined offerings from an inventory and create reusable add-ons for multiple plans.

Invoice Settings

Invoice settings ensure your customers will get timely notifications, as well as verify your modification settings fit your billing requirements.

Coupons and Discounts

Use Recurly’s Coupons feature to create discount codes for your customers, whether you’re running a promotion, sale, or special offer.


Configure Tax Settings to comply with any regulations imposed by your local tax authorities.

Email Templates

Email templates help you set up clear communication with your customers. It is key to reducing churn and recovering revenue.

Payment Gateway

Knowledge of payment gateways is essential for success at Recurly, as they allow you to accept payments and deposit them into your merchant bank account. Please take the time to learn about payment gateways before going live.

Hosted Pages

Recurly’s Hosted Pages are basic integrations targeted at companies without developer resources or those that want to go live quickly while developing a more robust and customized integration.

Developer Documentation

Use our Development Documentation to guide your tech expert to connect Recurly to your systems through the API, Recurly.js or webhooks.

Dunning Management

Dunning, the process of contacting customers to collect unpaid invoices, can help you recover more revenue from failed recurring payments. Set a customer-friendly dunning policy to maximize effectiveness.

User Access

Manage user invites and settings on the Users page in the Admin section to determine the appropriate access level to Recurly.