Explore provides a new powerful and flexible way to visualize what you most need to see in your organization’s Recurly data. This report builder includes insight into your transaction, account, and credit card details, amongst other fields. This is only available in our Elite plan.
Using Explore
Explore is divided into several sections.
Within the left bar are the dimensions and measures you can use to view and filter your data. Dimensions are a qualitative measure (names, geographical data, dates) and appear in black text. Measures are quantitative, oftentimes counts, totals, or averages and appear in Explore in orange text. Using these two different types of factors, you can build custom reports using your data.
The following are data views that are currently available in Explore:
- Custom Fields
- Transactions
- Accounts
- Billing Info
- Charge Dates
- Country
- Credit Card
- Dunnings Info
- Invoice
- Operations
- Plans
- Subscription
- Geo (Maps)
Selecting, Removing, and Viewing Data in Explore
To select a dimension or measure to add to your report, you can select from the field selector on the left side of the page. Then click Run to run the query.
The left sidebar of Explore allows you the following actions:
- Click and enter a search term to find a field you would like to select for use within your report or visualization
- Click “All Fields” to see all the fields available for use within your Recurly report
- Click “In Use” to see which fields are currently being used within your Recurly report. When on this dialog, you are able to clear all fields and filters from the view, or simply the fields while leaving filters in place.
- Hover over a specific field to pivot or unpivot this field, filter your report on this field, or see more detail about a field.
To remove a dimension or measure from your report, you can click the selected field in the left sidebar, or click Remove from the relevant column’s gear menu.
Explore also allows you to pivot your data. When you have multiple dimensions selected, you can pivot one of these so that each value in the dimension becomes a column. To do so, you can either select the Pivot button near the dimension name in the left side bar, or can select the Pivot option from the field’s gear icon.
When running your data, it can also be helpful to see the summary of your data within the report. By clicking the “Totals” checkbox in the right corner of your data viewer, Explore will add the totals and summaries of your data within the report. If you have pivoted your data, you can also elect to see “Row Totals.” These allow you to see summaries for each row of pivoted data. Please note that both column and row totals are only available for measures and numerical data.
Filtering Data
The filtering capability at the top of the page allows you to filter along any dimension listed in the left toolbar. When hovering over the dimension you wish to filter on, select the “Filter by field” option. After selecting this, the field will appear in the filter section and you are able to select the specifics of how you wish to filter your data. For time filters, you will be provided a date range and for numeric filters you are able to select options such as “equal to” or “greater than.”
For filters on text attributes, Explore will show a list of data values that exist for the field and will continue narrowing that list as you type.
You are also able to set a filter based on custom expressions you can enter into the input field.
You can also filter based on attributes specific to an individual user or groups of users within your company.
Creating a Report
To walk through creating a report, we will use the following report scenario: visualizing the number of subscriptions by country and gateway type in the last 3 months.
To create this report, we would select the following dimensions from the left side of the page:
- Country
- Transaction Gateway Type (under transaction operations)
And we would select the following measure:
- Total Subscriptions
To filter this data to last three months, filter by “Created At Date” and update the filter option to “is in the past 3 months”.
To see the report created from these dimensions, measures, and filters, press run.
Creating a Custom Field
Within the report, you can create formulaic custom fields now by click the first custom field option in the left nav bar and enter the fields you want to select to build your new formula.
Creating a Visualization
To create a visualization from our run report, select the visualization drop down. Explore supports the following visualization types, amongst others.
- Bar Gauge
- Boxplot
- Collapsible Tree
- Map
- Multiple Value
- Packed Value
- Radial Gauge
- Recurly KPIs
- Sankey
- Table
- Timeline
- Waterfall
Based on the data and dimensions in your report, some visualizations may not be available for all report types. For example, if there is no location or country data in your report, a map visualization will not be available for your selection.
Once you have selected the appropriate visualization for your data and reporting needs, you’re able to edit details of visualization. Select the “Edit” option in the top right corner of the visualization window. A side overlay will appear showing various editing options. These options allow you to change colors, sizes, amongst other details. You’re also able to update the labels, axes, and add reference or trend lines.
Saving Report to A Dashboard or Look & Downloading Data
Explore provides the capability to create dashboards from your custom reports and visualizations. Once you have created your reports or visualizations, click the “Settings” button in the top right corner and select “Save”. From here you can create a new dashboard using your custom report, or add your report to a pre-existing dashboard, if applicable.
These dashboards can be added to folders that are only accessible to you, or to folders that are shared with anyone in your organization that has analytics permissions. These folders provide seamless ways to share business reviews and any other analytics with members of your organization.
You can also save your report as a Look, which is a single visualization or view into your data.
From the Settings menu, you are also able to download your data as a TXT, Excel, CSV, JSON, HTML, Markdown, or PNG file.
Creating & Editing Dashboards
The only way to create a new dashboard is when saving your newly created report or visualization. Upon saving the dashboard, navigate to the filters tab select whether to use the report or visualization’s filters as dashboard filters as well. When you press save, your report or visualization will be saved as a tile within the dashboard.
You can utilize the Folders button in the top right corner of any screen within your Analytics to open a pre-existing dashboard.
After navigating to your dashboard, either through the folders tile present on any page in Analytics, or via Explore, you can add several attributes:
- Visualization: a visualization is added using the Explore feature. If you opt to add a visualization from your dashboard page, a new Explore screen will appear and allow you to create a custom visualization.
- Text: you can add headers, paragraphs of text, and sub-headers to your dashboard for customization and naming. Titles and subtitles support links and images, and other HTML.
- Button: allows you to add custom buttons to your dashboard. You can link the button to either an Explore URL or an external URL. You can also customize the designs and sizing of the buttons.
Finally, after you are done creating your dashboard, you can download it for presentation or further analysis.
Updated 5 months ago