
Discover the ins and outs of your subscriptions with the detailed Subscriptions export section in Recurly's user guide.


Required plan

This feature or setting is available to all customers on any Recurly subscription plan.


The Subscriptions export helps you identify accounts that have stored subscriptions along with all the pertinent details of those subscriptions.


Distinguish between different subscription statuses using these filters:

  • Live: All active subscriptions
  • Renewing: Live subscriptions set to renew post the present term
  • Trial: Subscriptions currently in a trial phase
  • Paused: Subscriptions that are presently on a pause
  • Canceled: Subscriptions that will not renew after the present term concludes
  • Past Due: Live subscriptions associated with a past-due invoice
  • Future: Subscriptions that will activate on reaching the start date
  • Expired: Inactive subscriptions
  • Last Billing: Refers to subscription is in its last billing period within the selected timeframe.

Date Range Filters

Understand your subscriptions' timelines with the following filters:

  • Activated: Focuses on subscriptions activated in a chosen time range
  • Modified: Shows subscriptions altered in the chosen time frame, excluding the original subscription
  • Created: Displays subscriptions created within a selected time frame, including those with future activation dates.

Exports table

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To help you identify and organize information effectively, the export provides a structured table that contains the following columns:

Column NameExampleDescriptionDatatype (max size)
uuidb964b5439c2548a489Unique internal identifier for the subscription. Even if a subscription is modified, this identifier is maintained.varchar(32)
account_code123456789, [email protected]Account associated with a given subscription UUID.varchar(50)
email[email protected]Email address associated with a given subscription UUID.varchar(255)
plan_codebasicPlan that the customer is subscribed to with this UUID.varchar(50)
statepending, active, canceled, expiredCurrent state of the subscription.string
auto_renewTRUE, FALSEDefaults to TRUE for auto-renewing subscriptions. FALSE if subscription configured to expire at the end of the current term.boolean
currencyUSDIdentifies the currency being charged with this subscription.varchar(3)
quantity1Identifies the quantity of the subscription purchase.numeric
unit_amount99Identifies the base price of 1 quantity of the subscriptionnumeric
add_on_amount15Identifies any additional charges to the subscription base fee from add_ons.numeric
total_recurring_amount114Identifies total recurring charges - unit_amount x quantity + add_on_amount.numeric
current_period_started_at2009-12-04 00:46:59 PSTDate and time that the current billing period starts at.timestamp
current_period_ends_at2009-01-04 00:46:59 PSTDate and time that the current billing period ends attimestamp
trial_started_at2010-03-24 17:18:46 PDTDate and time that a trial period began on the subscription.timestamp
trial_ends_at2010-04-23 17:18:46 PDTDate and time that a trial period ends on the subscription.timestamp
total_billing_cycles1This is the total number of billing periods in the current term.numeric
remaining_billing_cycles0This is the remaining number of billing periods remaining in the subscription term that will bill. Always 0 for subscriptions with a single billing period term set to auto_renew=truenumeric
activated_at2010-03-24 17:18:46 PDTDate and time the subscription became active on an account. This might not match to the subscription_created_at date if the subscription is added with a future start date.timestamp
modified_at2010-03-24 17:18:44 PDTDate and time the subscription was last updated.timestamp
canceled_at2010-03-28 22:54:46 PDTDate and time the subscription was canceled.timestamp
expires_at2010-04-23 22:51:53 PDTDate and time the subscription was/ will churn. This field is populated when a subscription cancels with the expected expiration date.timestamp to the customer's hosted account maintenance URL.string
net_terms102Identifies the net_terms agreement associated with the subscription.numeric
po_number213123For manual invoicing, this identifies the PO number associated with the subscription.varchar(50)
collection_methodautomatic/manualIdentifies whether the subscription fees are collected via manual or automatic invoicing.string
plan_nameGoldThe name of the plan associated with the subscription. This is the current name of the plan.varchar(255)
started_with_giftTRUE, FALSETRUE if the subscription was started with a gift card, whether or not billing information was collected.boolean
no_billing_info_reasonplan_free_trialIdentifies the reason why a subscription did not have billing information at time of renewal/activation.string
converted_at2016-09-02 15:53:18 UTCDate of the first successful transaction for the subscription. This field is only used for gifts cards and cardless free trial conversions. In other words, it will only have a value if started_with_gift is TRUE OR no_billing_info_reason is "plan_free" trial. " Converted_at compared to the subscription's activated_at will give you the time to conversion.timestamp
paused_at2018-05-13 00:00:12 MDTDate of subscription pause initiation.timestamp
remaining_pause_cycles9Identifies the number of remaining billing cycles for the subscription that is either currently paused or scheduled to pause.numeric
current_term_started_at2018-12-04 00:46:59 PSTDate and time that the current term started at. This currently is an unpopulated field relating to an upcoming feature which will be released later this year.timestamp
current_term_ends_at2019-12-04 00:46:59 PSTDate and time that the current term ends at. This currently is an unpopulated field relating to an upcoming feature which will be released later this year.timestamp
renewal_billing_cycles1The length of a subscription's next term, if auto_renew = true, NIL if subscription auto_renew = falsenumeric
shipping_amount_in_cents500The shipping fee on the subscription, in cents.numeric
shipping_method_codeusps-overnightThe code from the shipping method (created through the UI).varchar(50)
pricing_modelrampPricing model of the subscription. Will be either fixed or ramp.string
current_ramp_idpz82514rbd3sThe id of the current ramp interval.string
tax_inclusivetrueIndicates whether the subscription is billed inclusively or exclusively of tax.boolean

Version changelog

Version 5 - 1/10/2022

  • Added a column to indicate tax inclusive.

Version 4 - 12/7/2021

  • Added a column for the pricing model
  • Introduced a column for current_ramp_id

Version 3 - 5/2/2019

  • A new column was added to show the Shipping Cost
  • Added a column for indicating the Shipping Method

Version 2 - 9/6/2018

  • Introduced column additions for Custom Fields
  • Custom fields will now be the last column in the export and will only appear if exports are enabled in the custom field definition