
Unveil detailed insights with the Adjustments Export feature.


Required plan

This feature or setting is available to all customers on any Recurly subscription plan.


Recurly's Adjustments Exports allow you to closely monitor the invoiced and uninvoiced adjustments associated with your accounts. This exportencompasses every invoiced charge and credit adjustment and even offers the option to include uninvoiced adjustments that are presently on the account. You can avail of the Adjustments export by visiting the Exports page found under the "Reports" tab on your Recurly site.


You are granted two distinct options for exporting data:

Include uninvoiced adjustments

By default, the export primarily includes invoiced adjustments. However, upon selecting this option, you can view both charges and credits that haven't been invoiced as of yet, within a specified date range. These adjustments bear a 'pending' status and are placed at the commencement of the export document.

Use invoice posted date

Ordinarily, the export utilizes the adjustment's creation date rather than the invoice date. Consequently, an older uninvoiced charge or credit that was created within a set date range but invoiced later will not be reflected in the export. To counter this, choose this option to instead use the invoice posted date for a comprehensive view. Note that the creation date determines the presence of uninvoiced adjustments in the export as they lack an associated invoice date.


Time Range Filter

Utilize this feature to visualize charge and credit adjustments initiated in a specified timeframe. The "adjustment_created_at" date in the export is the default parameter used to filter results. In case you wish to filter adjustments based on the invoice creation date, simply opt for the "Use invoice date" option.

Note: Adjustments are immutable; hence, a 'modified' time range option is non-existent.

Exports table

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To help you identify and organize information effectively, the export provides a structured table that contains the following columns:

Column NameExampleDescriptionData type (max size)
uuidb964b5439c2548a489Unique internal identifier for the adjustment. Equivalent to line_item_uuid in the deprecated Invoices export.varchar(32)
account_code123122EAccount code being charged for this invoice.varchar(50)
subscription_id1fed8d153fcf4ea2a1Subscription UUID associated with this adjustment on the invoice.varchar(32)
invoice_id4bdb2171cebe4ecfUnique internal identifier for the invoice. This is called the 'id' in the Invoices - Summary export or 'uuid' for the invoice in the API.varchar(32)
adjustment_statusinvoiced or pendingCurrent status of the adjustment. Pending adjustments are charges or credits on an account that have not been applied to an invoice yet. Invoiced adjustments will always have an invoice associated with them.string
adjustment_typecharge or creditCharges are positive adjustments that debit the account. Credits are negative adjustments that credit the account.varchar(10)
adjustment_created_at2012-02-19 12:01:33 PSTCreation date of the adjustment. This date will equal the billed_date of the invoice in most cases, but will be older than the billed_date if the adjustment was created on the account a period of time before it was invoiced. The adjustment_created_at date will never be after the invoice's billed_date.timestamp
adjustment_start_at2012-02-19 12:01:33 PSTBill cycle start date for a specific adjustment. Equivalent to line_item_start_date in the deprecated Invoices export.timestamp
adjustment_end_at2012-02-19 12:01:33 PSTBill cycle end date for a specific adjustment. Equivalent to line_item_end_date in the deprecated Invoices.timestamp
adjustment_descriptionGold PlanDescription for a specific adjustment. This is automatically generated for all plan adjustments. This is custom for one-time custom charges and credits. Equivalent to line_item_description in the deprecated Invoices exportvarchar(255)
adjustment_quantity1Quantity of the adjustment.numeric
adjustment_currencyUSDCurrency of the adjustment.varchar(3)
adjustment_amount100Adjustment amount, before discounts or taxes.numeric
adjustment_total50The total amount of the adjustment after discounts and taxes [(quantity x price) + discount + tax]. Equivalent to line_item_total in the deprecated Invoices.numeric
adjustment_taxable0 or 10 indicates adjustment is not taxable, 1 indicates adjustment is taxable.boolean
adjustment_discount5The discount applied to the adjustment.numeric
adjustment_tax5The tax amount for the adjustment.numeric
adjustment_accounting_codeX100Internal accounting code for a specific adjustment. This value will only populate if you define an accounting code for the adjustment. Accounting codes can be defined for all adjustments except free trials, which will inherit the plan's accounting code. Equivalent to line_item_accounting_code in the deprecated Invoices export.varchar(25)
adjustment_product_codegoldProduct code for a specific adjustment. This will populate automatically with the plan code or add-on code if the adjustment is for a subscription. This will populate for custom charges and credits (origin = debit or one_time) if a value was set when the adjustment was created. Equivalent to line_item_product_code in the deprecated Invoices export.varchar(50)
adjustment_tax_codeP0000000, physicalTax code is a field associated with the adjustment that we send to Avalara for tax calculations. If you are using Recurly's EU VAT feature, you can use values of 'unknown', 'physical', or 'digital'. If you have your own Avalara AvaTax account configured, you can use Avalara tax codes to assign custom tax rules.varchar(50)
adjustment_originplan, plan_trial, setup_fee, add_on, add_on_trial, usage_add_on, usage_add_on_trial, one_time, debit, credit, coupon, carryforward, gift_card, external_gift_cardThe original source for an adjustment. A credit created from an original charge will have the value of the charge's origin. Equivalent to line_item_origin in the deprecated Invoices export. (plan = subscription fee, plan_trial = trial period 0 amount charge, setup_fee = subscription setup fee, add_on = subscription add-on fee, debit = custom charge through the UI or Adjustments API, one_time = custom charge through the Transactions API, credit = custom credit, carryforward = the charge that zeros out a negative invoice and should be ignored)varchar(20)
tax_typeusst, vat, ca, au, nzTax type for the adjustment. Will be "vat" for EU VAT, "usst" for U.S. Sales Tax, or the 2 letter country code for country level tax types like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and all non-EU European countries.varchar(6)
tax_regionNY, FR, GST, VATThe tax region for the adjustment. For U.S. Sales Tax, this will be the 2 letter state code. For EU VAT this will be the 2 letter country code. For all country level tax types, this will display the regional tax, like VAT, GST, or PST.varchar(15)
tax_rate0.09Tax rate applied to the adjustment.numeric
tax_amount5The tax amount for the adjustment. This column is the same as the adjustment_tax column, but tax_amount may be missing a few values for merchants who have used Recurly's older VAT feature (pre-2015). Merchants who used the old VAT feature should use the adjustment_tax column for older reports.numeric
country_juris*united statesCountry tax jurisdiction of the adjustment. This will be the full name of the country in lowercase.string
country_rate*0Country tax rate of the adjustment. This is the tax rate that corresponds to the country_juris and country_amount.numeric
country_amount*0Country tax amount of the adjustment. This is the tax amount that corresponds to country_rate and country_juris.numeric
state_juris*california, ontarioState or province tax jurisdiction of the adjustment. This will be the full name of the state or province in lowercase.string
state_rate*0.065State or province tax rate of the adjustment. This is the tax rate that corresponds to the state_juris and state_amount.numeric
state_amount*0.33State or province tax amount of the adjustment. This is the tax amount that corresponds to state_rate and state_juris.numeric
county_juris*san mateoCounty tax jurisdiction of the adjustment. This will be the full name of the county in lowercase.string
county_rate*0.01County tax rate of the adjustment. This is the tax rate that corresponds to the county_juris and county_amount.numeric
county_amount*0.05County tax amount of the adjustment. This is the tax amount that corresponds to county_rate and county_juris.numeric
city_juris*san franciscoCity tax jurisdiction of the adjustment. This will be the full name of the city in lowercase.string
city_rate*0.1City tax rate of the adjustment. This is the tax rate that corresponds to the city_juris and city_amount.numeric
city_amount*0.05City tax amount of the adjustment. This is the tax amount that corresponds to city_rate and city_juris.numeric
special_juris*san franciscoSpecial tax jurisdiction of the adjustment. This will be the full name of the jurisdiction in lowercase.string
special_rate*0.1Special jurisdiction tax rate of the adjustment. This is the tax rate that corresponds to the special_juris and special_amount.numeric
special_amount*0.05Special jurisdiction tax amount of the adjustment. This is the tax amount that corresponds to special_rate and special_juris.numeric
adjustment_refundTRUE, FALSETRUE indicates that the adjustment is a refund of a charge. FALSE indicates that the adjustment was a standard charge.boolean
original_adjustment_uuidb964b5439c2548aValue is the uuid of the previous related adjustment. Will only have a value if the adjustment is a credit created from a previous credit, or if the credit was created from a charge refund.varchar(32)
invoice_number1291Invoice number of the invoice the adjustment was on.string
invoice_statependingCurrent state of the invoice the adjustment was on. Equivalent to invoice_status in the Invoices - Summary export.varchar(20)
adjustment_coupon_code1monthfree-K09SC9R8The coupon code that discounted the specific adjustment_discount amount on the adjustment.string
invoice_billed_date2012-02-19 12:01:33 PSTCreation date of the invoice. Equivalent to date in the deprecated Invoices export.timestamp
invoice_closed_at2012-02-19 12:01:33 PSTDate invoice was paid or failed.timestamp
invoice_net_termson-receipt, net-10, net-30, net-60Identifies the net_terms agreement associated with the invoice. All automatic collection invoices are due 'on-receipt'. Manual collection invoices can have terms of net-10, net-30, net-60, or a custom net day amount.numeric
invoice_po_numberAE12523For manual invoicing, this identifies the Purchase Order number associated with the invoice. This value must be entered by the merchant at the time the invoice is created or it will not exist.varchar(50)
invoice_collection_methodautomatic or manualIdentifies whether the invoice fees are collected via manual or automatic invoicing. An automatic invoice means a corresponding transaction is run using the account's billing information at the same time the invoice is created. Manual invoices are created without a corresponding transaction. The merchant must enter a manual payment transaction or have the customer pay the invoice with an automatic method, like credit card, PayPal, Amazon, or ACH bank payment.string
invoice_typepurchase or refundThe original invoice will have a type of 'purchase'. Any refunds or voids will create a negative invoice to cancel out the original. This negative invoice will have a type of 'refund'.string
account_nameJJ SmithFirst and last name from account.string
account_countryUSThe 2 letter country code for the country of the customer's address on the invoice. This will come from the Billing Address or the Account Address depending on your tax settings and the invoice collection method.varchar(2)
account_vat_numberIE124211145VAT registration number for the customer on the invoice. This will come from the VAT Number field in the Billing Info or the Account Info depending on your tax settings and the invoice collection method.varchar(20)
adjustment_plan_codebasicThe plan code for the plan associated with the subscription. This value will exist for plan fee, setup fee, add-on fee and free trial adjustments. This value will not exist for custom charges, custom credits, or open amount refund credits.varchar(50)
original_invoice_number1002If the row is an adjustment on a refund invoice, this value will exist and show the invoice number of the purchase invoice the refund was created from.string
invoice_due_on2012-02-19 12:01:33 PSTThe due date of the invoice.timestamp
adjustment_subtotal50.25The adjustment amount after discounts, but before taxes.numeric
adjustment_credit_reason_codegeneral, service, promotional, refund, write_off, gift_cardThe credit reason code of the adjustment. This is a new attribute with Recurly defined values the merchant can choose from when creating custom credits, or Recurly will set when issuing credits.
This column will be null until Recurly's Credit Invoices feature is enabled on your Recurly site.
adjustment_refundable_amount50.25The refundable amount of the charge adjustment, which is the adjustment total, including discounts and tax, minus all credit adjustments issued against it.
This column will be null until Recurly's Credit Invoices feature is enabled on your Recurly site.
ship_address_nameJane DoeThe first and last name associated with the shipping address for the adjustment.string
ship_address_line1123 Main StreetThe first address line associated with the shipping address for the adjustmentstring
ship_address_line2Suite #202The second address line associated with the shipping address for the adjustmentstring
ship_address_citySan FranciscoThe city associated with the shipping address for the adjustment.string
ship_address_stateCAThe state associated with the shipping address for the adjustment.string
ship_address_zip94110The zip code associated with the shipping address for the adjustmentstring
ship_address_countryUSThe country ISO code associated with the shipping address for the adjustmentstring
ship_address_phone510-100-1000The phone number associated with the shipping address for the adjustmentstring
shipping_method_codeusps-overnightThe Shipping Method code used when the Shipping Method was created.varchar(50)
item_codeitem123The Item Code maps to the user-specified unique ID of the item that was sold on this adjustment.

Reference this page for more on items.
item_id12345678998The Item ID maps to the system-generated unique ID of the item that was sold on this adjustment.string
external_skuabc123The External SKU mapps to the user-specified SKU of the item that was sold on this adjustment.varchar(50)
tax_inclusivetrueIndicates whether the purchase was inclusive or exclusive of tax.boolean
business_entity_code2345678Business entity code.string

*Is not populated when using Vertex tax service

Version changelog

Version 7 - 7/25/2023

  • Integrated an additional column to indicate business_entity_code.

Version 6 - 1/17/2022

  • Introduced a column designated for Charge Custom Field Objects, custom field columns will always appear at the end of exports, including the following versions

Version 5 - 3/30/2022

  • Integrated an additional column to indicate tax_inclusive.

Version 4 - 2/13/2020

  • A new column for external_sku added to facilitate Item Charges.

Version 3 - 11/21/2019

  • Added columns specifying item_code and item_id for Item Charges.

Version 2 - 5/2/2019

  • Introduced a column to denote shipping_method_code.