Gift cards - export

The Gift Cards export includes a row for every purchased gift card on your site. Here you can see what gift card amounts are most popular, who is purchasing the most gift cards, who is redeeming gift cards, and what gift cards haven't been redeemed or still have remaining balances. To access the Gift Cards export, visit the Exports page under Reports in your Recurly site.

Date Range Filters


Shows all gift cards purchased during the selected time range. Uses the "created_at" field from this export.


Shows all gift cards changed during the selected time range. Changes could be triggered by a resent email, edited delivery information, regenerated redemption code, cancelation, redemption, or change in balance. Uses the "updated_at" field from this export.


Shows all gift cards redeemed on an account during the selected time range. Uses the "redeemed_at" field from this export.


Shows all gift cards delivered during the selected time range. Delivery indicates the last time Recurly sent the Gift Card Delivery email to the delivery email address. Uses the "delivered_at" field from this export.


Show all gift cards canceled during the selected time range. Uses the "canceled_at" field from this export.

Exports table

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To help you identify and organize information effectively, the export provides a structured table that contains the following columns:

IDExampleDescriptionData type (max size)
id2003020297591186183The unique ID of the gift card.string
redemption_code518822D87268C142The redemption code, which the recipient uses to redeem the gift card credit.varchar(255)
amount50.00The amount of the gift card.numeric
balance40.00The remaining balance of the gift card. Will be empty if redeemed_at is null. Will be 0.00 if gift card credit has been completely used up.numeric
currencyUSDThe currency of the amount and balance.varchar(3)
gifter_account_code3345634The account code of the gifter's account.varchar(50)
purchase_invoice_number1001The invoice number of the gift card purchase on the gifter's account.string
purchase_adjustment_uuid385a6a380e8228b298d8d7414183a8e1The unique id of the gift card charge on the purchase invoice.varchar(32)
recipient_account_code3345700The account code of the recipient's account.varchar(50)
recipient_adjustment_uuid387fbbdcdbd2473d4f6a3e480cb6f966The unique id of the gift card redemption credit. This is the original gift card credit.varchar(32)
created_at2016-09-02 15:53:18 UTCThe date the gift card was purchased by the gifter.timestamp
updated_at2016-09-02 15:53:18 UTCThe date the gift card was last modified. Will equal created_at at initial creation.timestamp
delivered_at2016-09-02 15:53:18 UTCThe last date Recurly sent the Gift Card Delivery email to the email address in the gift card's delivery information.timestamp
redeemed_at2016-09-02 15:53:18 UTCThe date the gift card was redeemed on the recipient's account.timestamp
canceled_at2016-09-02 15:53:18 UTCThe date the gift card was canceled. If empty, the gift card has not been canceled.timestamp
delivery_methodemail, postThe method of delivery, either email or post.varchar(255)
delivery_first_nameJohnThe first name of the recipient.varchar(255)
delivery_last_nameSmithThe last name of the recipient.varchar(255)
delivery_email_address[email protected]The email address of the recipient.varchar(255)
delivery_deliver_at12/05/2020Will have a value if a future delivery date was specified. This feature is not yet supported, so it will be empty always.timestamp
delivery_address1123 Main StreetThe first street address of the recipient.string
delivery_address2Apt 100The second street address of the recipient.string
delivery_citySan FranciscoThe city of the recipient.string
delivery_stateCAThe state/province of the recipient.string
delivery_zip94110The zip/postal code of the recipient.string
delivery_countryUSThe country of the recipient.string
delivery_phone8003334444The phone number of the recipient.string
delivery_gifter_nameSallyThe gifter's name, if provided.varchar(255)
delivery_personal_messageHi John, Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! Love, SallyThe personal message from the gifter to the recipient.string
redemption_invoice_number1001If the Credit Invoices feature is enabled, this is the credit invoice issued when the gift card was redeemed. Credit Invoices is currently in beta. Contact Recurly Support to learn more.string
gift_card_api_ide28zov4fw0v2Gift Card API IDstring


Version 2

  • Addition of gift_card_api_id.