Billing info - export
Explore the detailed guide on Billing Info export in Recurly's user guide.
Required plan
This feature or setting is available to all customers on any Recurly subscription plan.
The “Billing Info” export section in Recurly's user guide helps you identify and understand the billing information and payment methods associated with various accounts. It offers data that aids in distinguishing primary from backup payment methods, along with comprehensive billing details to keep track of each account’s status and payment preferences.
Account Status Filter
You can filter the billing information export data based on the account status. Here is how different statuses are defined:
- Open: Accounts that are currently not closed.
- Non-subscribers: Open accounts that do not have any active subscriptions.
- Active Subscribers: Open accounts holding at least one active subscription.
- In Trial: Accounts holding one or more subscriptions in the trial phase.
- Past Due: Accounts having at least one invoice in the past-due state.
- Non-Renewing: Accounts with subscriptions that will not renew post the current billing cycle; recently canceled.
- Future: Accounts with a subscription that hasn't yet begun.
Time Range Filter
Utilize the "created_at" field to filter data showcasing the accounts that had billing information added within a selected timeframe.
Exports table
To help you identify and organize information effectively, the export provides a structured table that contains the following columns:
Column Name | Example | Description | Data type (max size) |
account_code | 123456789, [email protected] | Uniquely identifies your customers in Recurly, mainly using the email address. | varchar(50) |
billing_first_name | JJ | The first name provided in the customer's billing details. | varchar(255) |
billing_last_name | Smith | The last name provided in the customer's billing details. | varhcar(255) |
account_company_name | Bluth Industries, Inc. | Company name as per the billing details. | varchar(255) |
billing_address1 | 123 Main Street | The first line of the customer's billing address. | varchar(60) |
billing_address2 | Suite 300 | The second line of the customer's billing address. | varchar(60) |
billing_city | San Francisco | The city component of the customer's billing address. | varchar(60) |
billing_state | CA | The state component of the customer's billing address. | varchar(60) |
billing_postal_code | 94107 | The postal code component of the customer's billing address. | varchar(20) |
billing_country | US | The country component of the customer's billing address. | varchar(30) |
billing_phone | 555-2368 | The phone number provided in the customer's billing details. | varchar(30) |
account_email | The email address associated with the customer's account. | varchar(255) | |
cc_type | visa/master/discover/jcb/amex/diners | Indicates the type of credit card associated with the customer's account. | varchar(20) |
cc_last_four | 1111 | The last four digits of the customer's credit card number. | varchar(4) |
expire_month | 4 | The month when the customer's credit card expires. | numeric |
expire_year | 2014 | The year when the customer's credit card expires. | numeric |
billing_vat_number | IE213123123 | VAT number provided by EU customers. | string |
created_at | 2011-08-15 | The date when the billing information was added to the account. | timestamp |
updated_at | 2013-09-12 | The last date when the billing information was updated on the account. | timestamp |
Payment_method | CreditCard / PayPal/ Roku/ Amazon / Bank Account / paypal_braintree, jcb, qiwiwallet, etc. | The payment method chosen by the customer for transactions. | string |
maintenance_url | | The URL directing to the customer's hosted account maintenance. | string |
geo_code | string | ||
ip_address | 99.89.1010.0101 | The IP address noted at the time of entering the billing information. | varchar(20) |
ip_address_country | US | The country associated with the IP address noted during billing information entry. | Varchar(2) |
cc_first_6 | 111111 | The initial six digits of the credit card used for the transaction. | varchar(6) |
primary_payment_method | true, false | Indicates whether the billing info should be used as a primary payment method. | boolean |
billing_info_id | 123456789 | Unique identifier for billing info. | string |
backup_payment_method | true, false | Indicates whether the billing info should be used as a backup for invoice failures. | boolean |
billing_info_api_id | e28zov4fw0v2 | Billing Info API ID | string |
Version changelog
Version 7 - 02/5/24
- Addition of
Version 6 - 03/29/21
- Introduction of the backup_payment_method column to highlight if the billing info is the backup payment method (TRUE/FALSE).
Version 5 - 12/3/20
- Introduction of the “primary_payment_method” column to indicate if the billing info is the main payment method (TRUE/FALSE).
- Addition of billing_info_id displaying the ID of the billing info.
Version 4 - 5/23/2019
- 'cc_first_6' column was moved to the end of the export.
Version 3 - 4/25/2019
- Addition of "cc_first_6" to the export.
Version 2 - 5/24/2018
- Column names were refined to differentiate clearly between billing and account info.
- Addition of "ip_address" and "ip_address_country" columns to the export.
- Addition of “geo_code” column. (Applicable only if Vertex tax integration is enabled)
Updated about 1 month ago