Signup declines

Dive deep into your signup Decline rates to understand subscriber behavior at sign-up.


Required plan

This feature or setting is available to all customers on any Recurly subscription plan.


  • Users must have analytics user role permission.


The sign-up decline rate dashboard will provide insights on sign-up transactions that fail, enabling you to understand the effectiveness of your payment method and gateway strategy to decrease your decline rate.

Key benefits

  • Informed decision-making: Make informed decisions based on real-world data to help set realistic goals and expectations for subscription growth and customer retention.
  • Forecasting and planning: Enable more accurate forecasting and long-term planning to help businesses set reachable growth targets and allocate resources effectively.

Key details

General filters (Top left corner)

  • Date range: This feature lets you choose a specific timeframe, up to the last 18 months, to view data on the dashboard. You'll find dropdown menus to select the start and end dates.
  • Collection method: Here, you can filter the invoices you see. Choose from viewing all invoices, only automatic invoices, or just the ones you've entered manually.
  • Gateway: This filter allows you to see which payments didn't go through. You can look at all payment gateways together or examine one at a time to understand where issues are happening.
  • Payment type: If you want to see the breakdown of failed payments by the method your customers use, this filter lets you select specific payment options to analyze.
  • Failure type: The dashboard automatically shows the top 5 reasons payments fail, but you can adjust this filter to uncover more reasons behind payment issues.
  • Plan: By default, the dashboard includes all subscription plans in its analysis. However, you can select one or several plans to focus on, tailoring the data to your needs.

Payment failure types by invoice count

This section of the dashboard gives you a closer look at the types of payment failures, presented through the number of invoices affected. Specifically, it focuses on invoices that weren't successfully processed on the first try. Here’s what you’ll find for each failure type:

  • Total Transactions: The total number of transactions that took place within the selected time period on the dashboard.
  • Comparison Over Time: This feature allows you to see how the situation has changed from the beginning to the end of your chosen date range. It includes:
  • The number of transactions at the beginning of the period.
  • The number of transactions at the end of the period.
  • The percentage change in transaction count over this time, showing whether it has gone up or down.

Gateways & payment methods summary

This section is designed to give you insights into how different gateways and payment methods perform, specifically at the point of sign-up. It summarizes the decline rate of each of your gateways, supported payment methods and card brands.

  • Transactions attempted: The total number of attempts made through each gateway and payment method during the selected timeframe.
  • Transactions failed: This tells you how many of those attempted transactions were not successful.
  • Sign-up decline rate overall: An overview of the percentage of transactions that were declined at sign-up, giving you a broad view of performance.
  • Sign-up decline rate from the start to the end of range: This shows how the decline rate has changed from the beginning to the end of your selected period, offering a dynamic view of performance over time.
  • Rate change: Details the percentage change in the sign-up decline rate during the chosen date range, helping you spot trends or effects of any changes made.