Hourly activation & churn

Dive deep into Recurly's Hourly Activation & Churn analytics for a comprehensive view of subscriber behaviors, trends, and growth patterns.


Required plan

This feature or setting is available to all customers on any Recurly subscription plan.


The "Hourly Activations and Churn" section of Recurly's Reporting & Analytics offers a comprehensive set of reports and metrics to help you monitor subscriber counts and trends for the day in an operational mindset. It provides valuable insights into your subscription signups and churn rates.

Note: It's essential to note the distinction between a subscriber and a subscription. While a single subscriber might hold multiple active subscriptions, this dashboard focuses on counting the individual subscriber, not the number of subscriptions they possess.

For additional guidance on navigating and utilizing filter tools, consult our documentation here.

Key benefits

  • Gain visibility: Get a clear understanding of your subscriber base and track key metrics related to activations, churn, and net subscriber growth.
  • Identify trends: Analyze subscriber signups and churn rates on a daily basis, allowing you to identify positive or negative trends in customer acquisition and retention.
  • Monitor performance: Track how your subscriber activations and churn rates are trending throughout the day, comparing them to previous days and weeks to identify patterns and anomalies.
  • Improve decision-making: Use the data and insights provided to optimize your subscription strategies, improve customer retention, and drive revenue growth.

Hourly activation & churn

Accessing Hourly activation & churn

To access the "Hourly activation & churn (beta)" report and gain insights into subscriber activations and churn rates, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Subscriber management" section in the Reporting & Analytics menu. This section provides a comprehensive overview of subscriber-related metrics and reports.

  2. Within that menu, access the “Hourly activations and churn” dashboard.

  3. Once you access the dashboard, you can apply various filters to refine the data and focus on specific aspects of subscriber activity. For example:

    • Use the "Combine Subscriptions" filter to combine back-to-back subscriptions and obtain a more accurate count of activations and churn. This helps you understand the continuity of subscriptions and how they contribute to the overall metrics.
    • Use the "Plan Name" dropdown to filter the report based on specific plans. This allows you to analyze activations and churn rates for individual plans or compare different plan performances.
    • Use the "Subscriber Type" dropdown to filter the data based on whether subscribers are paying or currently in a free trial. This enables you to gain insights into different subscriber segments and their behavior.
    • Use the "Date" dropdown to filter the data based on a specific date.
  4. After setting your preferred filters, dive deep into the report's data. Utilize the interactive elements to scrutinize subscriber activations and churn rates on an hourly basis. This insight allows you to discern daily trends and patterns and pinpoint notable shifts.

Displayed at the top are four widgets:

  1. Subscribers Activations so far today

  2. Subscribers Churned so far today

  3. Net Subscribers so far today

  4. Total Subscribers Overall

Each of these numbers are drills and you can click on the number to view the specific accounts that make up these numbers.

  1. Compare the current data with previous periods to gain a comprehensive perspective on subscriber activity. The report allows you to assess how subscriber sign-ups and churn rates are performing relative to the previous day and the past seven days.



Each bar is clickable, allowing you to access the specific accounts that contribute to these figures.

  1. Pay attention to the plan rankings presented in the report. These rankings highlight the subscriber activations and churn rates for different plans, providing valuable insights into plan performance and subscriber behavior.
  2. Analyze the data, identify any positive or negative trends, and use the information to inform your subscription strategies, marketing efforts, and overall business decisions.

By following these steps, you can effectively access and utilize the "Hourly Activation & Churn (Beta)" report in the "Subscribers" section of the Reporting & Analytics menu. This report empowers you to monitor and understand subscriber activations and churn rates, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimization of your subscription business.